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Free delivery from 399,00 zł

Rules on returns

How to make a return?
  • Make sure it has not passed 14 days from receipt of shipment.
  • Fill out the withdrawal statement
    concluded remotely.
  • Wput the completed statement into into the package.
  • Returned goods in unaltered condition should be sent back to address:
    A.MAX Krzewski sp.k.
    UL. Elevatorska 17A

    15-620 BIAŁYSTOK
  • You can also return merchandise in person w headquarters under including
    address alone.

  • Return of goods to the store is at the expense of the customer.
  • The customer will receive a refund of the value of the goods within up to 14 days from the date of the
    receipt of the shipment.
Real customers reviews
4.9 / 5.0 230 reviews